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Teaching Staff:
Ms A Harpur (Co-ordinator) Miss N Thompson
“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
Malcolm X
Learning for Life and Work (LLW) is central in helping young people develop the fundamental skills, knowledge, qualities and dispositions that are prerequisites for life and work.
At Ballycastle high we ensure that Learning For Life and Work:
helps the pupils develop as individuals and members of society;
delivers the skills and capabilities needed for adult life and work;
helps the pupils cope with the changing global economy; and
helps them learn how to make informed choices.
Learning for life and work is an exciting subject that helps pupils become more ‘rounded’ individuals. It focuses on giving pupils practical skills and knowledge that they will be able to draw on throughout their lives.
Ks3 Topics
Education for Employability aims to ensure that all young people develop the personal qualities, skills, knowledge, understanding and attitudes that will give them a strong foundation for lifelong learning and work. These skills are equally important for all young people, whether they want to go straight into the world of work or to university.
Education for Employability has a key role to play in preparing young people for the world of work.
At Key Stage 3, the Education for Employability strand focuses on three key concepts:
Work in the Local and Global Economy;
Career Management; and
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship.
Local and Global Citizenship
Local and Global Citizenship involves discussing controversial issues surrounding diversity, equality and justice, democracy and active participation. Pupils have opportunities to identify and clarify their own values and attitudes.
They also learn how to recognise, understand and manage their emotions and behaviour in a range of situations.
Local and Global Citizenship is important because it helps young people learn how to participate positively in society, to influence democratic processes and to make informed and responsible decisions as local and global citizens throughout their lives.
Local Global Citizenship is based on the following themes, which are addressed in local, national, European and global contexts:
Human Rights and Social Responsibility;
Diversity and Inclusion;
Equality and Social Justice; and
Democracy and Active Participation.
Personal Development
Personal Development involves encouraging each child to become personally, emotionally, socially and physically effective, to lead healthy, safe and fulfilled lives and to become confident, independent and responsible citizens, making informed and responsible choices and decisions throughout their lives.
Schools can play a significant part in helping pupils to cope with the challenges of everyday living and in their development toward adulthood.
There is now clear evidence that highlights the importance of promoting the development of emotional intelligence alongside other aspects of health promotion in young people. Research shows that for all kinds of jobs, emotional intelligence is twice as important as IQ and technical skills.
At Key Stage 3, the Personal Development strand is based on the following key concepts:
Personal Health, and
At to:
explore self-employment and identify relevant source of support;
examine the impact of globalisation on employment;
investigate the recruitment and selection process, taking into account the rights and responsibilities of employees and employers;
consider how employees might maintain an effective working environment;
investigate the increasing social responsibility of business in the community; and
develop personal career plan based on relevant information and guidance.
The information below summarises the structure of this GCSE course:
Content Assessment Weightings Availability
Unit 1: Local and Global Citizenship External written examination 60 marks 1 hour The written paper includes short structured questions and extended writing questions. 20% Summer from 2018
Unit 2: Personal Development External written examination 60 marks 1 hour The written paper includes short structured questions and extended writing questions. 20% Summer from 2018
Unit 3: Employability External External written examination 60 marks 1 hour The written paper includes short structured questions and extended writing questions. 20% Summer from 2018
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